Read articles about health and training. Learn how to care for a new pet. Find answers to your questions about behavior issues, nutrition, and helping your pets.

When you get a puppy, you are adding a member to your family. You're going to have to make certain preparations and changes around the house and in your lifestyle.

As a puppy owner, you are the most important part of your puppy's life. You have to watch out for danger, provide food and shelter and decide what's best for your puppy's health. It's a lot of responsibility, but the reward is well worth the effort.

There are things your puppy is going to need, things you'll want your puppy to avoid and people your puppy will have to meet. In this section, you'll get tips from Purina® on some of the important issues to resolve before puppy comes home and in the first few weeks after.

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Read articles about health and training. Learn how to care for a new pet.

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